IQTree Tech Soft leading Digital Transformation Partner

IQTree Tech Soft

Automation Testing Services

Accelerate your software development cycle and streamline release management with our efficient automation testing services. Contact us now to learn more.

We follow a
structured process for Automation testing

We follow a structured process for Automation testing

1. Analyze project, select tools

We analyze the project requirements and select suitable testing tools.

2. Analyze framework, structure methodology

We analyze the testing framework to establish a structured development methodology.

3. Create test data for function accuracy

We create test data to ensure the accuracy of the functions for given inputs. Our approach guarantees that our automation testing services are reliable and efficient in detecting software issues.

4. Developing and executing test scripts

We develop test scripts that contain instructions on the system transactions that need to be executed to verify the application or system being tested.

5. Results Analysis

We review individual test results to gain insights into why certain tests failed and identify areas requiring further attention or improvement.

When it comes
to automation testing services, here are a few reasons why you should choose us

1. Tailor automation to needs with expertise

Our expertise in various test automation models allows us to tailor a solution that meets your unique needs.

2. Use tools to enable manual testers and save costs

We use tools and frameworks that enable manual testers to carry out automation, resulting in significant cost savings for our clients.

3. Detect defects and understand weaknesses quickly

Our experienced test engineers are trained to quickly detect critical functional defects and are well-versed in common weaknesses and potential problem areas in various software products.

4. Offer manual testing with automation for repeatable tests

While we primarily offer manual functional testing services, our automation specialists are always ready to automate repeatable tests, such as regression testing.


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